These are new friends of mine. I met Rebekah thru our ladies' Bible study. She has lived in Prague about 3 years. She came over here from Atlanta to be involved in ministry. While here, R. met her husband, a Czech named Petr! They are both believers. IN fact, Petr's grandfather was a pastor during the time of Communism and had an underground church. I love these two. Rebekah fixed me a delicious dinner the other night, complete with a delicious traditional Czech salad of chopped veggies, grated syr (cheese :) and tossed in this herb vinigrette. The meal ended with a tradiitonal Czech gingerbread- type cake. Delicious!! Thanks ya'll!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Rebekah and Petr
These are new friends of mine. I met Rebekah thru our ladies' Bible study. She has lived in Prague about 3 years. She came over here from Atlanta to be involved in ministry. While here, R. met her husband, a Czech named Petr! They are both believers. IN fact, Petr's grandfather was a pastor during the time of Communism and had an underground church. I love these two. Rebekah fixed me a delicious dinner the other night, complete with a delicious traditional Czech salad of chopped veggies, grated syr (cheese :) and tossed in this herb vinigrette. The meal ended with a tradiitonal Czech gingerbread- type cake. Delicious!! Thanks ya'll!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Okay, this is my favorite place in Prague!! It's easy to forget the spiritual darkness in this city when I see such natural beauty. But I am told that in the summer it is full of topless sunbathers. So, I think that spring may end up being my favorite time in Stromovka!! I just snapped a few photos today, but they do not do this park justice. God lifts my heart up in worship when I am in His creation. I am so thankful that He led me to a flat that is sandwiched in between two beautiful parks (Stromovka and Letna parks)!!!!!
Hair Party
The other night some of us from our ladies' Bible study gathered at Shanna's house for haircuts and snacks!! One of the women in our study is Alta. She and her husband are here from South Africa. Alta is a very talented hairdresser; plus she generously gave us a great deal on our haircuts!! It was such a fun time to be together and enjoy 2 very important things in life: good hair and yummy food :)
In the photo is pictured (l to r): me, Elizabeth, Alta (and her baby :), Sunny and Laura. Each of us got new "doos" sp? that night. Aren't we gorgeous?!!!!?
Sunday, April 8, 2007
TV Tower
This just cracks me up as one of the many interesting things in Prague. This is a TV tower right outside of the Syvertsens' flat. After it was built, the residents complained about how ugly it was. So, an effort was made to make it more appealing (?) by adding the babies that look like they are crawling up the sides of the tower. Do you see them??!! Funny! Click on a photo to make it larger.
Easter Sunday

Today we went to the Syvertsens (family on the left of me in team photo) and had church. Phil (and his family on right of me) led us in some singing and then he gave a short sermon on the meaning of Easter. His precious daughter, Lucy, helped him. :) Afterwards we had a delicious brunch!!
Next week we will have our first "real" church service!!! More details to come on that SOON!!!
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Cute French Place
Prague looks so pretty with all of its Easter decorations. With it's deep Catholic roots, the city observes Easter largely as a cultural holiday. There are eggs and stuffed baby chicks and bunnies in every shop window. In Old Towne Square there is a big Easter Market. There are rows and rows of little wooden kiosks that sell beautiful painted eggs, gingerbread cookies, cinnamon-type rolls, wooden toys, jewelry, etc. There is a big tree in the center of the square that is decorated with big Easter eggs. My photo does not do it justice :)
There is a tradition, still observed by the children, where the boys chase and hit the girls with wooden sticks decorated with colored ribbon. When the boys catch up a girl, she gives him chocolate eggs. And apparently, may throw water on him. It sounds really different than how we celebrate in the States! I talked to a Czech girl in college at Sunny's Bible study last night and she said her Dad and brother still wake her up on the Monday after Easter by hitting her with those sticks and then she gives them chocolate eggs. You can buy those sticks in the Easter market. I think it's rooted in some sort of fertility ritual (?)
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Ladies Bible Study

Each Tuesday morning, a group of us ladies meet at Shanna's (team leaders') house. Every week we discuss a chapter of the book, Lost Women of the Bible (sorry; I don't know how to underline!) by Carolyn Custis James. So far we have studied Eve and Mrs. Noah. I led the discussion on Mrs. Noah yesterday, and it was so much fun! Of course, the author did lots of speculating b/c hardly anything is said about her in the Bible. But, it was interesting to think about her life and mine when framed by certain questions such as: 1) have you ever felt like you were in someone's shadow? (she may have felt like she was in Noah's shadow) 2) is there anything in your unceratin future that you fear or dread? 3) what difference does it make to put the frame of God's character around your situation?
Before the study , several of us take a yoga class!! It is a gift. Daniella, our teacher, is so sweet. She leads us in stretches that are very relaxing and relieve my body of lots of tension. Also, she does not bring in Eastern religion, which is nice.
Our group is great! We have a great time laughing together and talking about our hearts and our relationships to God.
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