Thursday, April 19, 2007


Okay, this is my favorite place in Prague!! It's easy to forget the spiritual darkness in this city when I see such natural beauty. But I am told that in the summer it is full of topless sunbathers. So, I think that spring may end up being my favorite time in Stromovka!! I just snapped a few photos today, but they do not do this park justice. God lifts my heart up in worship when I am in His creation. I am so thankful that He led me to a flat that is sandwiched in between two beautiful parks (Stromovka and Letna parks)!!!!!

1 comment:

Tyler & Brenda Peru said...

Hi Dorothy,

I sure have enjoyed reading your blog, and I am glad that things are going so well. I got a real kick out of the pictures of the T.V. tower. I can imagine going to your favorite place and spending time talking with the Lord. I pray that He will continue to bless you and the ministry you are a part of.

In Him,
Brenda (from MTI)