This is Maysea, my sweet black lab. She agreed to come with me to Prague, and to be honest, I can't imagine life here without her! Prague is such an incredibly dog- friendly city. I recently took her into a restaurant. She sat under the table while my friend, Sunny and I ate. The waitress even brought her a bowl of water!! I live between two huge, beautiful parks, Letna and Stromovka. When Maysea and I walk there, she brings me into all of my conversations with other Czechs and foreigners. I recently met two english teachers, one American and one Brit, because Maysea went right up to them as they fed the ducks in the pond. She then proceeded to jump into the pond several times after the ducks. Hilarious!!
Poor Maysea. She had an accident, so yesterday I took her to the vet. In his thick Czech accent he said, "Hold her tight." I did, and he proceeded to pull her entire dew claw (sp?) out. She yelped in pain for the longest time. I assume that was the best course of treatment. She is now hobbling around.
Here are some photos of her. She (and all dogs) has to wear a muzzle when riding on public transportation. Besides that, she seems to love Prague. After all, she's an extremely social dog! :) Here also is a photo of her with Heather's dog, Dixie. Heather is my new friend from Charlotte who graciously housed me for the first two weeks I was in Prague. She teaches at the International School of Prague.
I am thankful Maysea brought me to Prague. :)
Hi Dorothy,
It's Rebekah L. from SLCA! I am so glad you are doing well! Maysea is adorable, by the way. We are HUGE dog lovers here at the Leonard household. Our black lab, Harry Dean sends his greetings! We are praying for you here.
Hi Dorothy! Yesterday evening was so fun - even though it was a bit rushed. I hope Maysea gets back to being herself again really soon. Poor dear, I'll pray for her lil claw to heal.
Thank you Rebecca!! It's great to hear from you. I love your dog's name :)
Rebekah- I loved hanging out with you too! We'll have to do it again soon. Thanks again for my pretty seashells; they remind me of home :)
I am sorry Maysea got hurt and I am glad that she is doing much better!
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